Jeremiah’s Birthday Blessing 

When Jeremiah was born we were told the cost of privately cremation was insanely high for wee little babies like our Jeremiah. And besides that we’d have to transfer his body from the hospital to the cemetery ourselves. It all has to do with laws about when someone is actually considered human (but this isn’t the time or place for that particular rant/soapbox/campaign). What we were offered was that the hospital takes all the little tiny ones, like Jeremiah, and cremates them together and those ashes are then interred in the Angel Garden at a local cemetery. We found out where the cemetery was and where this garden was located and have visited this garden a number of times in the past year. 

The past 6 months or so I’ve been talking about finding out if we could get a marker put there for Jeremiah. Right after he was born it seemed like a trivial thing to me but as the months went one I wanted his existence and presence acknowledged. This became especially important to me when I thought about how someday we would leave Australia and only a small handful of people would ever know his body was there. We know HE is with Jesus but I also want people to know that he was here. He exsisted on this earth – even though it was a short time. After we lost Kyla I had similar thoughts for her too. 

But I kept putting off that phone call. Who wants to call a cemetery to talk about a grave maker for your child? Today we were already planning to go out to the garden for Jeremiah’s birthday with two of our very closest friends. This morning I suddenly thought – I should call and talk to them about a marker for our babies. So I did. I spoke to a lovely man who told me it was possible and he could meet with us today. I was so excited. Then he told me the price. It was way more then we could ever afford. And due to some timing things here I didn’t want to wait to see if we could find the money. One of the friends going with us asked me if I had called the cemetery and I told her yes but it was out of our price range. Before I could say much more she said “Yes.” I looked at her confused. “Yes, what?” I asked. “Yes, I will front the money for you so you can get this done today,” she replied matter of factly. Dale and I couldn’t quite believe it. But before we knew it were sitting in an office speaking to a lovely man named Greg going over options. An hour later we were the proud owners of a small granite stand in the “Angel Garden” where a plaque that looks like this will be placed sometime in the next ten weeks: 

Our babies have a permanent marker for the world to see. Even when we are gone their names will be read and people will know that, for a short time, they were here. It was surreal designing their plaque and choosing a “plot” in the garden for them. But it gave me such joy and a sense of closure I haven’t had. Not that we will forget them. But now they can be remembered beyond our influence. 

We are also so, so thankful to have such amazing generous friends.  God has blessed our lives so richly with the people he has put into our lives. This is a gift that is worth far more then the monetary amount given to us today. But, with out that logistical gift, we could not have recieved the peace and joy we did. We would love to be able to help our friend with the financial side of this blessing. If any of you would like to contribute to the cost please let me know. I may set up a go fund me to facilitate that if we get enough of a response. 

God is good. On Jeremiah’s birthday God gave me the gift I didn’t know I needed. What a loving and faithful God we have. A small bonus – we had been going to the same area of the garden to put flowers etc this past year with no specific reason. And it just so happens that the area where we had been putting flowers was available! I am also thankful that I kept procrastinating. Because I did we were able to put Kyla’s name on the marker as well. Little big blessings from our amazing God! Happy Birthday my little Ewok – this was a blessed day. 


Happy Birthday Little Ewok 

Tomorrow is one year. Can you believe it has been one year already? I can’t. It seems like yesterday I was sitting here, praying and hoping for God to give us an amazing miracle. It doesn’t seem like 12 months have passed since Dale and I clung to each other and all of you surrounded us with prayer as we handed our firstborn child back to Jesus. I can’t believe it’s been 365 days since we saw his little face and marvelled at God’s amazing handiwork in the form of our tiny son. Our lives are forever changed because of our sweet little boy. We have softer hearts and open eyes. Since Jeremiah’s birth I have walked through the grief process with my cousin. And we are walking it again now. Three weeks ago we found out Jeremiah’s little sister, Kyla Grace, had gone home to Jesus and her brother. The start of her story is here

In the midst of fresh grief and other chaos in our lives Jeremiah’s birthday sorta snuck up on us. I knew it was coming but now suddenly here it is! I don’t know how to feel about it. But we did want to honor our boy. So we are asking people to do “Acts of Kindness” in honor of Jeremiah. It can be big. It can be little. But something to make someone else smile. If you want and are able I’ve made these little cards that can be printed out to go with your acts so people know about Jeremiah. You can download them Right Here. If you do anything I’d love to hear about it – either here, on Facebook, or Instagram! 

In addition Jeremiah’s Bears of Hope fundraiser will be open until the end of the week. Thank you so much to everyone who donated! We have raised enough for 6 bears and helped to support the on going support work of the charity! If anyone would still like to donate here can do so by clinking here.

Mostly I would like to thank everyone who have supported us this last year. We are so blessed to have such wonderful family and friends. God is still good. Even when it is dark and you can’t see the light. We know that.  He has a plan and a purpose. Even in heartache. And we are blessed that we were chosen to be Jeremiah’s mommy and daddy and that so many people have loved him and his sister. 


Coping, Healing, and Hoping 


The past month has gone so fast. It’s hard to believe two months has passed since we said hello and goodbye to our little boy. We have spent the last four weeks existing in three main modes: Coping, Healing, and Hoping. Sometimes we live in one of these states alone however most times it’s all three. 

The end of October we were asked to go back “on the road” with the ministry we are with. I knew that time would come but entering into the actual logistics of the situation triggered quite a lot of anxiety and fear. There were tears, words said in anger, more tears, prayer, tears, and finally a bit of excitement – with tears. We knew it was time to get back out there – to honor the call and the commitments we have – but the idea of leaving our stable home, friends, and the bubble of grief we’d lived in since Jeremiah’s diagnosis was scary. The unknown of the old familiar. Getting back to “normal” when “normal” was gone. How would I cope interacting with new people daily – people who didn’t know our story? How would we tell our story as we flitted in and out of people’s homes and lives? Should we tell our story or just act like nothing had happened? Would people be open to hearing about Jeremiah or would they be too uncomfortable to be impacted by his life? And yet. God called us here for this. Jeremiah’s  life – from the first glimmer of his heartbeat to the moment it stopped – was no suprise to God. Nor was the timing of everything. We needed to trust him just has we have been doing through this entire journey. 

As always, without fail, God has provided just what we’ve needed every step of the way. We have been with amazing hosts who have embraced Jeremiah as much as they have us. We have been given powerful moments of ministry and been kept busy, which has been helpful to me. Our team leader, Wendy, has been gracious and flexible with us – especially when we have had emotionally difficult days. And through sharing Jeremiah’s life with the people we have met I feel we have reached new places of healing deep in our souls. One of the things that helps me most is being able to talk about Jeremiah and share how God worked mightily through our little boy. And at nearly every home we’ve stayed in we’ve been given the right ways and opportunities to share with people who honestly wanted to hear and share with us. Not many people I know, who have lost as we have, are given the place and the ability to share their children’s stories with so many people in such a short time. God knew what he was doing, sending us back on the road when he did. People have told us that they have been blessed by hearing about Jeremiah and in turn we have been blessed by people as well. And the healing continues. 

Of course, in the midst of the blessings and the healing is the pain and the struggles. My body has returned to its normal cycles and rhythms, which is good since we can now look with hope to what may be next. But with that comes the very real, physical reminder that I am no longer pregnant and my baby really is gone. Not to mention the exciting hormones that are a part of all that. There is staying in host homes and hearing their  about healthy grandchildren being born, their sister who is due around the same time I was, the happy too young couple with their perfect baby boy. It’s seeing women in churches with beautiful pregnant bellies the size mineshould be right now. That one pesky app on my phone that didn’t get turned off and helpfully reminded me that I should be in my final trimester right now- on the day my step-sister gave birth to her second stunning little girl. Almost every day is filled with stinging or bittersweet moments that never let you forget. And I praise God for these moments – because even though they hurt and sting they heal and cleanse too. They help the emotions flow and identify themselves and stir up healing conversations between Dale and I. They keep us firmly clinging to Jesus and relying fully on him for each day and each step. 

We have 24 days until we get on a plane to fly to California for Christmas. And that will start a whole new season of grieving and healing as we are finally able to be physically with family and friends. We will give and receive the hugs and tears and bittersweet joy we so longed to have together a few months ago. We will celebrate and laugh and enjoy each other’s company with much deeper love and appreciation then ever before. We will weep that we are there rather then Australia – because the only reason we are going is because our son is gone. And we will cry bittersweet tears as we see Star Wars with beloved family and Dale finally visits some of the places that hold many of my most treasured memories. We will priase God for these people who love us and us them as we all receive healing in new, deep places. Then we will return to our mission field, refreshed and renewed and expectant for where God will take us next. 


One Month Ago…

This is made from a photo Linnah took of Dale and I at the cemetery where Jeremiah’s ashes were spread. I think it communicates so clearly the reality of our situation.

It’s been one month. One month since the weirdest, saddest, most joyful, God-filled day of our lives. One month since we met and said goodbye to our little boy. It seems like yesterday. It seems like ten years ago. Life before Triploidy and the reality of Jeremiah’s short life seems like a strange dream world. This is the new reality. The old one is gone.

I have this blog scheduled to be posted at the time of Jeremiah’s birth – so I thought it might be time to share his birth story. It may be long and boring – but I feel the need to write it out for me, if for no one else. I don’t want to forget. Continue reading


Acts of Love (and Videos) – Jeremiah’s Celebration Service Video

As I mentioned in my last post we went to Mark & Linnah’s last night for dinner and Mark gave us the video of Jeremiah’s Celebration. When we asked Mark to do this really all I was wanting was the service filmed so our family and friends who couldn’t be there could share the experience. As you will see, what we got was so much more. The amount of thought and time and love that Mark put into this project is such a gift – not only to Dale and I but to the people who love Jeremiah and couldn’t be here with us physically. Continue reading


Steps in the Journey

It’s been a weird few days. Lots of stages of grief and many different emotions all compacted into a fairly short time span. The start of last week was probably the hardest I’ve had. Tuesday, in particular, I felt like I was falling apart and couldn’t figure out what I needed to make it better. Thankfully, my quick thinking husband figured out what I needed (get out of the house – fresh air – and no options) and the week got progressively better. Wednesday morning, before spending the day with my dear friend Linnah, I was able to throw out all the dying flowers that were around the house. That sounds like a simple task, but it wasn’t. Continue reading


“How are you doing?”

“How are you doing?”

I think I’ve lost count on how many times we’ve been asked that question. And it is appreciated. Really. But I find the answer starting to change. A month ago the answer was, “We are doing well and still hoping for good results and a miracle.” That changed two weeks ago to, “We are sad but really filled with peace about everything.” But now I pause before answering. I need to think about it. “How am I doing?” I’m not sure what the answer is any more. Continue reading


Jeremiah’s Legacy

Our Jesse Bear - who now lives in my handbag when we go out and about. <3

Our Jesse Bear – who now lives in my handbag when we go out and about. ❤

We were trying to come up with the proper way to remember and honour Jeremiah’s life. None of the physical memorial ideas seemed to sit well with us. Our little boy seemed to need something farther reaching then a tree or a statue. So what we’ve decided is to honour his life by reaching out to others. When we were in the hospital we were given a small bear by a charity called Bears of Hope – our bear was in memory of another baby named Jesse Jay who went to the Lord in 2007. The idea is to give parents something tangible to hang on to so they won’t leave the hospital with empty arms. They also provide grief counselling and information for the families and friends who are affected by a loss, as well as promoting awareness in the areas of miscarriage, stillbirths, and infant deaths. We have created a website with them in memory of Jeremiah and for every $100(AUD) raised through our website a bear will be given to another family who is dealing with the loss of their baby in Jeremiah’s name. The donations will also go to help run the costs of the charity. Thank you to anyone who helps us to remember and honour Jeremiah’s life by blessing and supporting another family. ❤